The Weekly 3, 2, One (3 Questions, 2 Quotes, and One Last Thought)

Marc W. Crayton
Mar 19, 2024


3 Loving/Caring Questions

  1. Where do you feel most loving and caring?
  2. What makes you heartfelt loving and caring?
  3. Are you making mistakes with your loving and caring?


The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self.”-Fred Rogers

The most damaging phrase in the language is ‘we’ve always done it this way.’”-Grace Hopper

One Last Thought

Our presence is our gift that we can share. We have to be present for those that we love and care for. We have to encourage, be positive, and inspire. Not only for those we love and care for but for ourselves!

Forward, always!



Marc W. Crayton

I help newer, younger lawyers make better well-being decisions so that they can thrive personally and professionally. Forward, always!