The Weekly 3, 2, One (3 Questions, 2 Quotes, and One Last Thought)

Marc W. Crayton
Sep 17, 2024


3 Energy Questions

  1. How’s your wind-down protocol?
  2. Are you bringing positive energy to your environment?
  3. When do you have your highest energy output?


“Whatever you’re meant to do, do it now. The conditions are always impossible.”-Dorris Lessing

When in doubt, go slower. It never hurts to work out easier, but working too hard can have adverse consequences.”-Dr. Phillip Maffetone

One Last Thought

Let’s take action. Let’s be proactive. Let’s positively use our energy to build each other up!

Forward, always!



Marc W. Crayton

I help newer, younger lawyers make better well-being decisions so that they can thrive personally and professionally. Forward, always!