The Weekly 3, 2, One (3 Questions, 2 Quotes, and One Last Thought)
3 Hope Questions
- Are you making time for hope daily?
- How do you nurture hope during difficult times?
- Have you inspired hope in someone else recently?
“Life includes pain and adversity. The future is uncertain. Accomplishment requires discipline. And that will never change.”-Phil Stutz
“People with authentic grit…have to go outside their comfort zone over and over to get where they want, all the while with no guranteee of success. That doesn’t stop them, though; They would rather bet on themselves than accept a life in which they will never know what might have been.”-Caroline Adams Miller
One Last Thought
Hope is not just a feeling; it’s a practice. By actively cultivating hope, we open ourselves to possibilities, growth, and healing. No matter how dark the night seems, hope reminds us that dawn is inevitable.
Forward, always!