The Lawyer’s Well-Being Brief

Is purpose = hope = energy, a magic formula?

Marc W. Crayton
2 min readNov 9, 2023

“It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.”- Rene Descartes

Black Hole Focus — How Intelligent People Can Create a Powerful Purpose for Their Lives written by Dr. Isaiah Hankel was part of my weekly Lawyer’s Well-Being Newsletter email that I sent out on Monday. Dr. Hankel had always been fascinated by black holes. The idea of some massive force so intense that absolutely everything is pulled into it is awe-inspiring.

In the newsletter, I wrote about how the book pointed out that black holes were previously believed to obliterate anything that entered them. However, it was discovered that instead of destroying everything, black holes actually transform everything that enters them.

According to the author, “Determining your ultimate purpose in life is the toughest decision you will ever make, which is why so few people actively decide on one. Instead, most people let life make this critical decision for them. These people fritter their lives away in an endless stream of tiny, meaningless decisions that elicit no great change and leave no real impact. They spend all their time and resources putting out day-to-day fires and focusing on short-term objectives. Black Hole Focus will show you how to avoid this hollow…



Marc W. Crayton

I help newer, younger lawyers make better well-being decisions so that they can thrive personally and professionally. Forward, always!