The Lawyer’s Well-Being Brief
Are you playing defense with your days and time or are you playing offensive?
There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year (except for leap years), that’s 525, 600 minutes. There are twenty-four hours in a day, or 1,440 . We all have the same amount of days to work with and the same amount of minutes. However, we all don’t make the most of of our days or our time, me included.
What do you see when you look at your calendar? What do you see when you look at what you are spending your screen time on? Are you making time for anything besides work? Are you making time for your well-being and for your self? If we aren’t using our days and our time to our advantage, and playing offense, then we are on defense. If we are always playing defense, that’s a losing formula.
An easy acronym we can use when it comes to our days and our time, is W.I.N. W.I.N stands for Whats Important Now. We need to stop and ask ourselves, what’s important now? Once you know the answer, put your time, energy and effort into that. Forward, always!